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I am Baaack! Part 4

Reluctantly, Jessica turned to go, but Joyce stopped her. "I have something for you to do, Jess; something important. Come into my office. I want you to contact Dr. Adkins, and tell her Rose is back in town and wants to meet with her ASAP."

This was the second time in half an hour that a most unladylike Jessica stood there with her mouth hanging open. What the hell had been going on for the last month!?

Chapter 9: Interlude: Maid in New England

Adain stood on the train platform of the small New England town, watching the train that had just deposited him there roll away. He was extremely nervous, and was vexed because he thought he shouldn't be. 'You're a thirty-five-year old man,' he thought to himself, 'get a grip!' Well, for right now, he was a thirty-five-year old man. He briefly wondered that if he had known almost three years ago when he "bought" Rose what was going to happen, he would still have done it. But only briefly. His love for Rose, his "special girl", flared into incandescence, and there was no doubt within his mind and heart that she was worth any sacrifice - even that of becoming Dainie! And what a Dainie he was going to become! Adain thought back to the day he and Rose had been reunited:

Adain felt like a roller coaster; just a few short days before, he had been in the depths of despair, had been since Rose had apparently been killed in the car accident. Then he had received her message, and the 'coaster had been going up since. Now, even the fact that he was dressed as Dainie could not take away from his top-of-the-world feeling as he held her. After what seemed like both an instant and forever, she had pulled away, stepped back a pace, visibly gathered herself together, and put her emotions on hold.

".Uh, Dainie.Adain. Uh, I have this plan."

"Before I say anything else," she had said to him, "I want you to know that I love you." She looked him in the eye. Her voice was intense and dead serious.

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