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I am Baaack! Part 12

She looked at Dainie. Dainie was wearing patent leather Mary Jane's on her feet - 'Got to be at least size 10,' she thought - and ankle socks with turned down lacy tops. Her legs were bare and smooth. Just a hint of white ruffled panties peeked from under the white petticoats of her pink party dress. Despite her size, she was not a caricature. Her chest was flat like a six-year-old's would be, and she was wearing only a light pink lipgloss and maybe a touch of mascara. Her hair was in the twin ponytails Rose had said she loved. "Would you like something to eat, Sweetie? Are you hungry?" she asked.

Dainie shifted from one foot to the other, looked down, and answered in a little girl's voice, "Sukie likes toasted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, Dr. Joan." she paused, and then somewhat reluctantly, ".and can we go in right now, Dr. Joan, please, I have to use the toilet." She was almost hopping from one foot to the other.

Joan picked up the Barbie suitcase, and led the way into the Tower. "Of course, dear." Then she looked at the doll. "Sukie, you are in luck. I just happen to have everything we need for cheese sandwiches and tomato soup!"

The elevator ride to Joan's floor was uneventful, once Joan explained to Dainie that she didn't have to press ALL the buttons.

Once inside her apartment, she showed a very relieved Dainie where the bathroom was and, once she was done there, where she would be sleeping, her room. "You'll be sleeping with me, in my bed, Dainie," she explained, pointing to her queen size canopy bed with the flowered bedspread. "It's big enough for the two of us AND Sukie." She watched closely to see if there was any hint of a male reaction to sleeping with her. There wasn't. Joan shook her head.

She noticed that Dainie wasn't looking at the bed, but, instead was looking at her dressing table. She was looking longingly at the makeup and jewelry on it. Suddenly, she seemed to realize that maybe she was doing something she wasn't supposed to, and turned back to Joan. "That'll be FUN, Dr. Joan. Can we have a slumber party? Will you put makeup on me?" she asked excitedly.

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