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Headmistress' Favorite Sport

The whole next day Miss Robinson spent in a state of sexual tension. She fumbled everything that day, stammered every sentence. She didn't see the twins during the day and as it was time to go home a terrible thought struck her: what if they weren't coming? What if they were just playing with her? She couldn't bear the thought and she was almost crying when she got home. Once home she pulled herself together. She picked out her nicest dress, a nice, simple satin dress with spaghetti straps. The dress was red and so were her shoes, pretty pumps with modest three inch-heels. They were her only shoes with something like a high heel. Neither the dress nor the shoes had been worn outside her house. They had been bought one day when she had felt the need to spoil herself.

She settled in to wait, mentally preparing herself for a disappointment. As it turned out she needn't have bothered. At precisely six PM the doorbell rang and with her heart pounding Miss Robinson ran to open the door. At the door were the twins, just as promised. Miss Robinson felt a surge of heat, starting in her crotch, spreading throughout her whole body as she saw them. They were dressed extremely sexily, thought Miss Robinson. Jocelyn wore black boots, ankle high with six-inch stilettos, white leather pants that left nothing to imagination, a black leather top and a small, white leather jacket. Her raven hair was gathered in a ponytail and she looked absolutely stunning. Joanna wore the same thing, but with the colors somewhat reversed: black boots, black pants, white top and a black jacket. Between them they carried a large duffel bag. As Miss Robinson opened the door, the twins looked her over knowingly. "Well, well." Jocelyn remarked, "Aren't we the sexy one? Very femme." Joanna nodded approvingly as they let themselves in. Miss Robinson had lost her capacity for speech when she had seen the twins looking her over like some sex object. For years she had longed for someone to look at her in that way, and now that it happened she was lost for words.

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